​Friday, May 24
Musical Shabbat Services

6:00 pm || Triple Musical Treat – Mazal Tov, Cantor David Young!​
This extra special musical service honours Cantor David Young on his 13 years as Hazzan of Beth Torah. It’s a triple musical treat as we welcome Shabbat. Come enjoy Evan Malach, winner of the Hallelujah Global Jewish Singing Contest, along with choral music featuring the Beth Torah choirs as well as University of Toronto’s Jewish a cappella group, Varsity Jews. Celebratory Shabbat dinner following (dinner reservations required).
Beth Torah Congregation / 47 Glenbrook Avenue / 416-782-4495 / www.bethtorah.ca
6:30 pm || Sephardic and Ashkenazi Fusion​
Cantor Simon Spiro, of Hassidic upbringing, and Cantor Sidney Ezer, of Iraqi descent, team up with the spectacular Beth Tzedec Singers for a lively musical Shabbat. With
instrumental accompaniment until Kabbalat Shabbat, the two charismatic Cantors will introduce different melodies from their contrasting musical backgrounds. Their musical Maariv is supported by the smooth a cappella vocal blend and tight harmonic "crunches" that have become the trademark of the Beth Tzedec Singers. Sing along and feel the exhilarating mood of Shabbat deep in your soul.
Shabbat dinner following featuring special guest lecturer Professor Stephen Berk. $36 adults, $18 children (6-14). Reservation deadline Tuesday, May 21.
Beth Tzedec Congregation / 1700 Bathurst Street / 416-781-3511 / www.beth-tzedec.org
7:00 pm || A Carlebach Shabbat
When it comes to Shabbat, there’s nothing like the music of the late Reb Shlomo Carlebach to make your spirit soar. Cantor Avraham Sultan welcomes you in this warm and friendly musical service which features the beautiful sing-along melodies of Carlebach. Bring your family and friends for this perfect Erev Shabbat experience.
Shaarei Shomayim / 470 Glencairn Avenue / 416-789-3213 / www.shomayim.org