Shabbat Shira
"The Sabbath of Song"
January 22 – 23 (and beyond)
Shabbat Shira is the Sabbath during which the Torah portion tells the story of the Children of Israel leaving Egypt and crossing the Red Sea. After their successful crossing, Moses sings a song called “Shirat HaYam” or “Song of the Sea.” In honour of the Song of the Sea, the special Shabbat is called “Shabbat Shira – the Sabbath of Song.”
This year, seven Toronto synagogues have planned musical services or concerts for the city-wide Shabbat Shira celebration. Below is the listing. More information available on the individual websites of the synagogues themselves.
Take part in the various musical services and concerts at our city’s wonderful synagogues!
(All musical Sabbath services free and open to the community. Cost for dinners or concerts where noted.)

6:00 PM Folk/World Music Shabbat Service
7:00 PM Dinner & Family Concert
A joyful Kabbalat Shabbat service with two special guests: Rabbi Noam Katz, a composer and artist who brings a unique spirituality and sense of world music to his worship; and renowned entertainer Dr. Mark Weinstock, who brings his enthusiasm, kindness and skill. Together they will elevate your Shabbat to the next level. A dinner concert follows the service to complete this intergenerational experience.
Dinner Cost:
Holy Blossom Members: $20 adults; $12 children (12 and under)
Non-Members: $25 adults; $15 children (12 and under)
RSVP for dinner to Elana Fehler, ext 221 or
Holy Blossom Temple
1950 Bathurst Street
Toronto M5P 3K9

6:00 PM Singalong Maariv with Sam Glaser
Join us for a lively and freilich Carlebach-style service led by one of America’s favourite Jewish recording artists, Sam Glaser. With musical explanations through. Following the service, the music continues at a delicious Shabbat dinner and the opportunity to schmooze and sing along with Sam.
Dinner cost: $25 adults; $18 youth (ages 5 to 14); $6 children (ages 1 to 4).
RSVP for dinner 416-781-3511 or
Beth Tzedec Congregation
1700 Bathurst Street
Toronto M5P 3K3

6:30 PM Rock & Roll Shabbat
It’s Kabbalat Shabbat like you’ve never seen it before! Sing and dance your way into Shabbat with SHTYX, Kol Ami's live band. Services are followed with a dairy/parve kosher-style potluck Shabbat dinner. Members & non-members welcome.
For information, call 905-709-2620 or email
Temple Kol Ami
36 Atkinson Avenue
Thornhill, Ontario L4J 8C

7:00 PM Welcoming Shabbat in Song
Let’s swim together in a sea of song, contemplative chant, stirring melody, and joyful noise. Join Rabbi Miriam, Cantor Lisa and great musicians for this special Shabbat of Song and celebration. Followed by kiddush and warm community. Joyous, inclusive, accessible, inspiring, and musical, the Danforth Jewish Circle is helping to create a fresh, progressive vision of Jewish community, learning, and spiritual practice in downtown Toronto.
For information or to RSVP email
Danforth Jewish Circle
in Eastminster United Church
310 Danforth Avenue

8:45 AM Musical Shabbat Morning Service
Visiting Artist-in-Residence, American recording star Sam Glaser, presents a Sermon-In-Song on The Power of Music in Prayer: Preserving Nusach in a Folk-Song World. Special musaf appearance by the amazing Voices of Tomorrow children’s choir under the direction of world-renowned Cantor Simon Spiro. (Musaf begins approximately 10:50; Sermon begins approximately 11:20). Enhanced Kiddush following services.
Beth Tzedec Congregation
1700 Bathurst Street
Toronto M5P 3K3
10:30 PM Masters in our Midst
Am Shalom synagogue in Barrie is excited to be presenting a Shabbat Shira service featuring musical compositions by Cantors and composers from Toronto, past and present. Please join us for beautiful compositions of Shabbat music that are sung not only in our own community, but in synagogues throughout the world.
Am Shalom Congregation
767 Huronia Road
Barrie, ON L4N 9H2
705 792-3949

8:00 AM Shabbat Shira Annual Community Concert
A Toronto tradition – Cantor Simon Spiro’s Community Concert at Beth Tzedec! Direct from California, Sam Glaser, one of America’s favourite recording artists, joins renowned cantor and entertainer Simon Spiro in a fabulous evening beginning with a musical Havdalah. Performing hits from around the world, they’re joined onstage by Toronto’s finest vocalists and musicians. Special appearance by the Voices of Tomorrow children’s choir. Dessert reception following.
Tickets: $25 in advance; $36 at the door
Beth Tzedec Congregation
1700 Bathurst Street
Toronto M5P 3K3
4:00 PM ROCKIN' OUT Youth Concert with Sam Glaser
Join hundreds of young people from around Toronto to hear the dynamic sounds of Sam Glaser, America’s favourite Jewish recording artist for kids and teens. He's finally here in Canada, so bring your parents, your grandparents, and your brothers and sisters to this high-energy rockin' show! Great music and fun for the whole family!
Free admission, but reservations requested 416-781-3514 (ext 218), or
(Ask about your special opportunity to learn a group song & dance routine in advance to perform with Sam!)

7:30 PM A Night of Israeli and Broadway Music
Featuring Cantors Alex Stein and David Edwards together with an explosive 9-piece band! It’s an evening of Broadway, Israeli classics, opera and classic rock as you have never heard before. Do not miss out on a night that will certainly be one of the most entertaining of the year!
Free admission, including dessert reception
Sponsored by Beth Emeth Bais Yehuda, Adath Israel, Toronto Council of Hazzanim