Since 2003, Tibor Kovari has served as Hazzan and Music Director of Beth Tikvah Synagogue. With the help of Musica Beth Tikvah, he has organized successful yearly concert seasons to entertain and educate the members of the larger Jewish Community. He has performed in concerts across Israel, Europe and North America, and is a Past President of the Toronto Council of Hazzanim.
A Yiddish Lied'l
The Music of "Yiddish Broadway"
Featuring Binyumen Schaechter (guest Scholar of Yiddish Music),
Aviva Chernick, Mitch Smolkin, Hazzan Tibor Kovari, the Beth Tikvah Synagogue Choir accompanied by the BT Klezmorim
Conductor - Alexander Veprinskiy.
Get ready for an event where Yiddish and English collide, where Kvetch and Kvell meet in the greatest “Yinglish” performance you’ve ever seen! Embrace the rich heritage of our unique Jewish culture. Reminisce to the sounds of the mameloshen used by our parents and grandparents in Eastern Europe. Stroll along Yiddish Broadway as we enjoy an evening filled with great music, nostalgia and humour. And if you don't know Yiddish, don't worry, translations will be provided.

May 28
7:30 PM
$36 in advance
$40 at the door
Sponsorship opportunities
Inquire at synagogue office -
(416) 221-3433
Beth Tikvah Synagogue
3080 Bayview Ave.
(north of Sheppard, south of Finch on the west side of Bayview Ave.)
Free parking available
Presented by
Musica Beth Tikvah