Tuesday, May 21
7:30 pm || Gala Evening Concert
Musical Potpourri
60 Year Anniversary of the Lodzer Centre Congregation
Toronto’s famous Lodzer Centre Congregation is celebrating its 60th anniversary and you’re invited to the party! American singer/Hazzan Kim Komrad will be joined onstage by Toronto’s Hazzan David Edwards along with the Lodzer’s beloved leader, Rabbi Moshe Meirovich. Special added appearance by the always entertaining Jewish Barbershop Quartet, Arba Kolot. With every style of Jewish music represented, you are guaranteed to sing along!
Kim Komrad is among the first generation of women to be invested into the clergy by Judaism’s Conservative Movement, earning a Master of Sacred Music degree and Diploma of Hazzan from the Jewish Theological Seminary Cantor’s Institute. With her rich soprano voice, Kim is the recipient of many awards for performance and Hazzanut, delighting both congregational and secular audiences alike. Her CD, “Voice of the Lioness,” was released in 1999, featuring Hazzanut, Jewish Art Songs, and folk music. www.kimkomrad.com
Tickets $36
Order by phone 416-636-6665