​Wednesday, May 22
10:00 - 11:00 am || Morning Music

​Jewish Rock Stars​​
Cantor Eyal Bitton
Cantor Eyal Bitton, one of last year’s most popular Morning Music presenters, is back, with a wild look at some legendary and outrageous Jewish rock stars. Gene Simmons, David Lee Roth, Bette Midler, Bob Dylan and more. What makes them great? What makes them outrageous? And how Jewish are they? You don’t have to be a fan of Rock and Roll to enjoy this stimulating program.
Cantor Eyal Bitton is a composer, lyricist, and playwright who has penned several musicals and oratorios which have been produced in Canada, the United States, Kenya, and China. He has also directed a number of adult and children's choirs in Montreal and Toronto and is the Musical Director of Toronto's Zimriyah, a Jewish children's choral festival. Eyal has served as Cantor of Hamilton’s Beth Jacob Synagogue since 2009. www.eyalbitton.com​​​
Free Admission​​​​​​
​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​Lippa Green Building / Tamari Hall /​ ​​4600​ Bathurst