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​Friday, June 8
Musical Shabbat Services

6:00 pm || City Shul: Singing, Stories & Spirit​
Toronto's newest downtown Reform congregation, led by Rabbi Elyse Goldstein, invites you to a family-friendly musical service for all ages, featuring guitar accompaniment and co-led by Rabbi Noam Katz of the Leo Baeck Day School. This music-loving, spirited and people-oriented shul welcomes you!
City Shul / Wolfond Centre / 36 Harbord Street / 647-799-3557 / www.cityshul.com
6:00 pm || Holy Blossom: Simcha Band Celebration​
Cantor Beny Maissner and Cantorial Soloist Lindy Rivers lead this lively and energetic Shabbat service. The Holy Blossom Simcha Band will be accompanying a wide selection of Shabbat melodies, and you'll be singing along to beloved Debbie Friedman tunes, Carlebach favourites, Meir Finkelstein classics and new pieces by Josh Nelson. Come and join the Shabbat celebration!
Holy Blossom Temple / 1950 Bathurst Street / 416-789-3291 / www.holyblossom.org
6:30 pm || Beth Tzedec: A Cappella Symphony​
The spectacular Beth Tzedec Singers, led by world-renowned Cantor Simon Spiro, welcome Shabbat with the smooth vocal blend and tight harmonic "crunches" that have made them famous and have established Beth Tzedec as The Music Synagogue of Toronto. If you've never heard them, you will be enthralled at this symphony of sound, and you will marvel that it's all done with no instruments. Sing along and feel the exhilarating mood of Shabbat deep in your soul.
Beth Tzedec Congregation / 1700 Bathurst St / 416-781-3511 / www.beth-tzedec.org
7:00 pm || Beth Torah: Choir, Cantorial & Carlebach​
Enjoy a special performance before the Shabbat davening begins - Cantor David Young and the Beth Torah Choir will be performing a number of classic compositions composed by such great Cantorial composers as Machtenberg, Kavetsky, anmnd Lewandowsky. The performance will be accompanied by piano, violin and cello through to Kabbalat Shabbat. The special Shbbat service will include favourites by the great Reb Shlomo Carlebach.
Beth Torah Congregation / 47 Glenbrook Avenue / 416-782-4495 / www.bethtorah.ca