Home >> Events >> Past Events >> Sunday, June 3 >> Gala Evening Concert: A Sephardic Celebration

​Sunday, June 3
7:30 pm

​Gala Evening Concert​
A Sephardic Celebration!
An exciting evening of Sephardic music in a breathtaking setting!
Renowned Moroccan singer Aaron Ben Soussan will have you dancing in your seat to the lively Sephardic rhythms. With dumbek and violin, he will elevate your soul and completely mesmerize you as he sings everything from the piyutim of the great Moroccan poets to his own, critically-acclaimed, exhilarating and moving original pieces.
Then, the wonderful voices of Toronto'’s beloved Oziel Choir will delight and uplift you, as they give a fresh and modern twist to traditional Sephardic Hebrew prayers.
A Fantastic Night Like No Other!
Petah Tikvah Anshe Castilla Congregation / 20 Danby Ave
