Soon We Will Become The Song (Od M’At Na’afoch L’Shir)
The ShinShinim
This beautiful program is part of an initiative begun in 2001 by Israeli radio network Galei Tzahal. The project takes texts written by soldiers who have fallen or by citizens killed in terrorist attacks, and gives them to Israeli singers and songwriters who then write music to the texts. The new songs are broadcast each year for Israel’s Memorial Day. In this moving morning session, The ShinShinim will introduce and perform some of these poignant songs, sharing with us the stories of their authors.
The ShinShinim, all teenagers who grew up in Israel, wish to pass on the message that every soldier who died defending the State of Israel has a unique story that should be told. This morning’s program features Itamar Kristoksky, Noa Amir, Ofir Ken-Li, Ori Laslo, Bar Avitan, Gal Davidi, Yuval Mor, Yuval Mey-Tal, Roni Baruch. For more about the ShinShinim, see Tuesday Afternoon Tunes.

May 25
10:00-11:00 AM
Free but ticket required
Heliconian Hall
35 Hazelton Avenue
This event made possible through the generosity of The Association for the Soldiers of Israel-Canada (ASI-Canada) www.asicanada.org