Monday, May 20 (Victoria Day)
10:00 - 11:00 am || Morning Music Lecture
Music in the Lives of Crypto Jews of Portugal
Professor Judith Cohen
In this exciting morning program, musicologist Dr. Judith Cohen will be discussing the lives of the Crypto-Jews (also known as Marranos or Conversos), the important role that music played for them, and the changes in this music. With live musical demonstrations as well as recorded examples from Dr. Cohen's fieldwork of the past fifteen years, this is going to be a thrilling session!
Dr. Judith R. Cohen is a performer and ethnomusicologist specializing in Ladino Sephardic songs, as well as in medieval and traditional music, including Balkan, Portuguese, Yiddish, and French Canadian, pan-European balladry, and songs from Crypto-Jewish regions of the Portuguese-Spanish border. She has done pioneering ethno musicological research with both the Crypto-Jews and with local Cigano (“Gypsy”) groups in Portuguese villages. Judith currently teaches on the faculty of York University.
Free Admission
Congregation Shaarei Tzedec "The Markham Street Shul" / 397 Markham St.
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